Former Harvard Business School dean and colleagues define a new people-first model for effective distributed leadership
A conversation with Professor Kenneth Corts of the Rotman School of Management
Video recording: Rotman’s Maja Djikic describes how as a leader you can align five key parts of yourself to achieve whole-life fulfilment
Preparing Senior Executives to Meet the Multiple Challenges of Global Leadership
Patrick Flesner’s engaging story reveals the essence of great leadership
In-person, live online, self-paced online, coaching—the options for developing leadership skills are many. CCL experts use research-based evidence to help you find the right fit for your organization
CCL experts suggest 5 key considerations for reimagining leadership development for our turbulent times
Female leaders at Simmons University and Deloitte US offer advice to women who have arrived at the top but are struggling to thrive
Oxford Saïd’s Dr Mark O’Brien and vastly experienced healthcare leader Dato Dr Jacob Thomas discuss the critical role of healthcare leadership development, in this recoded webinar
How Purposeful Leadership is turning businesses into something bigger and better
IMD study reveals four ‘origin stories’ about how leaders came to leadership and shows how these define the way they enact the role
Mark Threlfall and colleagues offer twelve thoughts for Christmas to help us prepare for a better New Year
The University of St. Gallen’s Stephanie Schoss discusses the mindset, skills and knowledge needed for executives to thrive in an AI enhanced world
St Gallen’s Prof Winfried Ruigrok describes the three-part strategic and human capital challenge posed by COVID-19
MIT Sloan’s Deborah Ancona explains why ‘distributive leadership’ is need for organizations to offer nimble responses to today’s unprecedented challenges
In this webinar recording Gillian Ku, Professor of Organizational Behaviour at London Business School, offers practical insights on the strategy and science behind effective negotiations
Columbia’s Hitendra Wadhwa explains how to reset mindsets and practices to address the challenges of leadership today
Watch this timely discussion on responsibility in business with two distinct faculty voices from Oxford University’s Saïd Business School—with a special focus on leadership, ownership, and banking
Leaders who have discovered the power of integrating 'eco', 'ego' and 'intuitive' intelligence drive stronger business performance
IMD’S Robert Hooijberg discusses how to develop mindsets for enabling organizational change
Are you interested in attending thought provoking leadership events in London and elsewhere?
5 core elements and 8 survival skills needed to lead complex projects
New guidebook draws on the experience of 30 high-achieving women leaders to show the way
Goizueta’s Allison Gilmore on using improvisation, the comedian’s stock-in-trade, to create leadership resilience
MIT’s Advanced Management Program lives up to MIT’s ethos of applied knowledge (Mens et Manus – Mind and Hand)
An innovative Rotman program focuses on context specific challenges rather than legions of leadership concepts
HEC Paris/LSE’s ‘Leadership 2030’ program helps tomorrow’s leaders create value for customers, society and the planet
Schulich SEEC’s Masters Certificate promotes excellence in healthcare management practice
Bath University’s London/Bath/Silicon Valley-based EMBA aims to leverage Apprenticeship Levy funding to build leadership capability
Join Henley’s Bernd Vogel and Lebene Soga on 24 Oct to explore game-changing opportunities for high-performance digital leadership
Warwick Business School’s four new diplomas address the key strategic challenges facing organizations and business leaders everywhere
A new book sees consciousness as the genesis of effective change
Oxford series prepares leaders to address the global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century
St. Gallen’s International Executive MBA develops C-level and potential CEO talent within the organization
Jazz offers many of the elements needed to lead successful projects and organizations
WNBA’s Lisa Borders says leadership is about influence, not authority
Schulich's Masters Certificate Program brings leading-edge management thinking to healthcare professionals
IMD’s EMBA discovery journey focuses on developing growth strategies in challenging environments
Columbia EMBA Eddwina Bright is combing her finance and non-profit experience to make an impact on the world and on next generation leaders
Georgetown’s new masters program blends business and international relations
Successful leaders learn to incorporate the views and preferences of diverse followers
Understand the mindsets of all company stakeholders and have an ‘outside-in’ perspective to be a true leader says Prof Ray Reilly
Martina Mangelsdorf describes GAIA Insights' innovative ASPIRE program
Access the full magazine below. ‘Changing Mindsets in Organizations’
How to deliver information in a way that inspires employees, reassures investors and engages customers
A guide for new leaders to ‘Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For
The digital revolution, diverse global workforces, and Gen Y aspirations challenge how leaders lead today
Two CEOs give their take on the benefits of participating in a high-quality senior executive program at Wharton
Unrivalled access to expertise in the multiple issues facing global businesses
Access the full magazine below. From Innovation Graveyard to Innovation Hotbed
Leading in the Civil Service Vs leading in a private corporation - White Paper
Leaders must renew their thinking before they can transform their organizations
The Challenges of Leadership in Tomorrowland - A long read by Simon L. Dolan of ESADE Business School
Successful leaders need the bounce-back resilience of a cartoon character
Associate Dean, Executive Education, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Organizations need to invest in leadership development for first-time managers
"This book, rich with case studies, is a deeply thoughtful and illuminating read; a must for would-be stable leaders, executive coaches, and leadership developers everywhere."
IQ and EQ are not enough. For today's leaders political intelligence, PQ, is required
Business leaders operate in an irrevocably global world, and while travel may broaden the mind, managers taking on a global leadership role need more. Thunderbird’s Mansour Javidan and Jennie Walker explain...
"A form of leadership which focuses on others, the community, and society at large rather than the self"
Organizations need leaders who recognize when their current skill sets and knowledge are insufficient and irrelevant and who are willing to change course and learn new approaches - says Michael Campbell, Senior Research Analyst at CCL.
"The servant leader should feel a responsibility towards employees as individuals and must have a sense of stewardship for them and the organisation as a whole."
Fons Trompenaars on the organization as a cultural context for leaders
Dr David Pendleton Co-Director of the High Performance Leadership Programme at the Saïd Business School
Lessons for leaders from Father Willigis Jäger
The TRATON GROUP (formerly Volkswagen Truck & Bus) is benefiting from a successful collaboration between business schools Barcelona-based IESE and HEC Paris