Discover a broad range of cutting-edge strategy tools and frameworks and apply them in a wide variety of competitive situations. Learn new approaches to break the rules that most businesses overlook when seeking new sources of value.
Who is the programme for?
■ Leaders of dynamic companies
■ General managers
■ Strategy teams
■ Senior functional managers
■ Strategists from emerging and fast-growing economies
You should have an element of responsibility for contributing to the future direction of your organisation and its strategic development. You should also be prepared to discuss a business challenge that you are facing at work.
Programme focus
■ Getting the tools – gain the knowledge and understanding of analytical and strategic frameworks to address competitive situations and corporate diversification decisions
■ Breaking the rules – find new ways to use traditional tools to address the challenges of tomorrow’s business environment
■ Making a difference – apply the knowledge you have gained to create value in different business contexts
Key benefits
■ Use strategic tools and frameworks to help identify and create sustainable sources of competitive advantage
■ Gain analytical skills that enable you to prosper in a changing world
■ Capability to shape your organisation’s environment according to its strategic vision and goals
■ Identify the capabilities and skills your organisation needs across its functions to meet its strategic objectives
■ Gain practical solutions to your organisation’s strategic challenges
■ Understand what drives your organisation’s competitive advantage
LBS and ESMT study identifies the danger of citing information based on the ‘gist’ of the truth rather than the ‘literal’ truth