A complimentary ‘Toolkit’ from Warwick Business School to help you develop a winning open strategy for your enterprise
Under an obligation to deliver sustained profitable performance in a highly competitive fast-changing world, companies cannot afford to be too insular in their strategic thinking. They need to listen to a wide range of diverse voices to have the best chance of success.
In this toolkit Professor Christian Stadler explains the three key features of open strategy creation and execution.
DOWNLOAD The WBS Open Strategy Toolkit here
Open strategy creation, opening up the process to involve the whole organization plus relevant outsiders, works by broadening the net for ideas and by giving employees a sense of engagement.
The Toolkit highlights these three key aspects of open strategy creation and delivery:
Christian Stadler, Professor of Strategic Management at Warwick Business School, is an expert on long-term success. For the past decade he has devoted his energy to the investigation of long-living corporations―how they grow, adapt, and consistently beat their competitors.
Warwick Business School is a leading thought-developer and innovator, in the top one per cent of global business schools.
Two renowned authorities on strategy and innovation explain how the fusion of physical products and services with real-time data and AI will shape the industrial future