Video recording: Experts from GSK and Cranfield hold a stimulating panel discussion on the future for talent development in inclusive agile organizations
As organizations the world over strive to bring inclusivity, equity and fairness to the tops of their HR agendas, will we see ‘talent management’ as an inherently exclusive approach, out-of-step with modern perspectives? Is it still acceptable to think of a workforce in terms of ‘high-potential talent’ vs ‘the rest’?
‘Talent Management is Dead!’ is a stimulating, thought-provoking virtual panel discussion with leading sector experts from Cranfield Executive Development and GSK, which challenges our preconceptions of what executive learning can and should be aiming to achieve in the purpose-driven, agile organizations of today and tomorrow.
About the speakers:
Emma Parry is Professor of Human Resource Management and Head of the Changing World of Work Group at Cranfield School of Management;
Kim Lafferty is VP of People Development at GSK and a doctoral student at Cranfield University; and
Camilla Jonsson is General Management Portfolio Director at Cranfield Executive Development.
Up-beat guide heralds the end of traditional command-and-control and ushers in a new human-powered leadership