

We aim to provide a website that is accessible for the widest possible range of users. To that end, we have implemented several features to improve accessibility, listed below. Please contact us if you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve accessibility.
Alternative text for images Images that appear on the site contain a text description that is available when images are not displayed or if the user cannot see them. 

Screen size

This can be varied using your browser:
Chrome: Customise (the icon with three horizontal bars) > Zoom

Internet Explorer: Tools > Zoom Firefox: Hold down “Ctrl” and hit “+”

Safari: Page Menu (the icon that looks like a page with the corner turned) > Zoom

Variable font size

Similarly, all modern browsers contain instructions for increasing the size of text or the font used:
Chrome: Settings > Show advanced settings > Web content > Font size

Internet Explorer: Page > Text size Firefox: Tools > Options > Content > Fonts

Safari: Page Menu (the icon that looks like a page with the corner turned) > Zoom > Zoom Text Only, then Zoom



Colours are used for subject areas to aid retrieval, but colour is never the only way of retrieving a subject tag.


The site uses properly nested heading tags (H1, H2, H3), etc, to aid navigation by heading levels.

Manual impairment

The site can be navigated without a mouse, using the tab key.

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